The Need for Quality Education in a Globalized World

The Need for Quality Education in a Globalized World

There is a greater emphasis on education in the globalized world today. This is mainly because of the change in the global business scenario. The world is becoming a global village because of the increasing interaction between countries. While the world has grown smaller and people have become more connected, there are still massive differences in the quality of education across the world. For example, the average education spends per student in Finland is $52000 per year, which is over 14 times the annual per-student spend in India. On average, primary school students in Finland get over 1000 hours of teaching, while their counterparts in India get just over 50 hours.

One of Unesco's fundamental aims is to build peace in the world, through education, human rights, and shared values. Goal 4 is achieving quality education for all and, in particular, promoting adult learning and literacy. Unesco's vision, in this case, is to help eradicate poverty by 2015.

Unesco's Goal 4 seeks to "achieve universal primary education to achieve educational and life opportunities for all and prepare children to face the challenges of their times". 35% of all primary-aged children are not attending school. Unesco wants to change that by 2015. This goal is important for many reasons. Firstly, education is the key to raising a country's standard of living, as well as increasing human happiness. Secondly, it is a basic human right to be educated, which is why many countries including the United States have made universal primary education a requirement.

Goal Four is to achieve universal primary education by 2015. This goal is important because more than 90 countries are currently at risk of not meeting this goal. Some countries have even decreased the money they spend on education for children. About 850 million children worldwide do not have an education. 824 million adults between the ages of 15 and 24 cannot read or write. India has a large population of children who are out of school. About 50 million children from around the world are expected to enter school age in the next ten years.

The importance of goal 4 is that as a human being, one should never live his life in poverty. Being literate is necessary for life because education is the key to success. Education gives a person the freedom to choose what he or she desires to be. Education is the only way to remove poverty and create a better life for you and the millions of people around you.

4 Ways to Provide Quality Education to All

These days, it's becoming increasingly difficult to provide an excellent education to all children in the United States. Sure, education is dependent on the parents, but as a whole, the country hasn't been doing a very good job in this regard. Fortunately, there are a few steps that the government could take to change this.

  1. Provide a strong foundation, not exams. If we understand the end goal of education, it’s not clear how we should move forward in achieving it. The intended goal is learning. The way to ensure that all students are learning is to ensure all students can access good, quality education. We should work towards making all students learn. How to ensure this? Not having to memorize many useless facts and inculcating the concept of teaching to learn, instead of teaching to pass exams, is the first step.
  2. Make School free for everyone. There is no excuse for a country that can make a massive profit on its oil to not support free education for all of its people. Many students are deprived of good education due to several factors such as lack of teaching staff and quality infrastructure.
  3. There should be no discrimination against students who wish to further their education. The government should provide scholarships and grants to students who need them the most. This will help the youth, who are the future of our country, to have a brighter future.
  4. Encourage parental involvement. Parents should be involved in their children’s education at all times whether that be helping in class or volunteering at the school.

How can we Support a Quality Education System Globally?

The success of any education system lies in three factors: The economy, teachers, and students. If a nation is economically strong, it can well support its education system. To be a good teacher, you should be well trained, experienced, knowledgeable, and not only experienced but also motivated. The quality of the teacher's performance is directly proportional to the quality of the student. The student should be motivated and have a good moral character to become a good person and contribute to society.

The aim of 4.1 and 4.2 chapters of Unesco is to provide children, especially those in disadvantaged situations, access to the resources they need to learn through the construction of schools, libraries, training of teachers, provision of textbooks and other educational materials, supporting the development of curricula, the establishment of assessment systems, and more. The ultimate goal of UNESCO is to achieve equity and quality of education for all girls and boys, based on their needs and potential, rather than on their gender, location, language, or any other barrier.


We are living in a time where we are being trained to reach our full potential. Previously, only the elites were able to do so. Today, everyone has the chance to learn, improve and succeed. We can learn from each other, and we can always reach our full potential. Technology also plays an integral role in this. The internet lets people from all over the world share their unique perspectives and skills. By working together, we can always improve and reach our full potential.